Staff Application


Apply Online/Staff Log In Click Here


The following is an outline of our pay scale for summer staff. The pay scale is our way of making salaries consistent for the entire staff. However, if you have unique qualifications not stated in the outline, please contact our office to discuss your situation.

Title Base Salary per Week Minimum Qualifications
Overnight Camp Counselor $325 19 years old or at least one year of college completed
Day Camp Counselor $360 18 years old or high school graduate

Additions to base salary (per week) are made for the following situations:

Over 21 years old $10.00 (per wk)
Returning Counselor $20.00 (per wk)
Wilderness First Responder or EMT $20.00 (per wk)
Wilderness First Aid $10.00 (per wk)
Red Cross Lifeguard Certification $20.00 (per wk)
College Graduate $20.00 (per wk)
Activity Coordinator $20.00 (per wk)
Full time head teaching experience (3 yr. max) $20.00 (per wk)
ACA or equivalent activity certification ($50 max) $10.00 (per wk)
Head Counselor $30.00 (per wk)

**ALL staff MUST be 1st Aid and CPR Certified.

We look forward to reading your application and will contact you if you are selected for an interview. In the interim, if you should have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.